The Bible in Berom

  • Links to websites containing the Bible in Berom sorted by popularity
    The Bible is translated into this language, but we do not know where you can obtain it.

    Sample text from the Berom Bible

      Other resources for the Bible in the Berom Language
    • Joshua Project
      Bible publication dates
    • First portion was published in 1916.
    • The New Testament was published in 1984.
    Links to websites containing the Bible in Berom sorted by popularity
    Links to websites containing the Bible in Berom sorted by popularity
    Audio Bible
    Free Words of Life - Birom - For ev...



ethnologue code
Other names for the Berom language: (Aboro, Afango, Bachit-Gashish, Berum, Birom, Boro-Aboro, Cen, Cen Berom, Chenberom, Du-Ropp-Rim, Fan-Foron-Heikpang, Gbang, Gyell-Kuru-Vwang, Hoss, Kibbo, Kibbun, Kibo, Kibyen, Ngell-Kuru-Vwang, Nincut, Shosho)

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