The Bible in Vigg-Biaundo Mission

  • Links to websites containing the Bible in Vigg-Biaundo Mission sorted by popularity
    The Bible is not yet translated into this language.

    Sample text from the Vigg-Biaundo Mission Bible

      Other resources for the Bible in the Vigg-Biaundo Mission Language
    • Joshua Project
    Links to websites containing the Bible in Vigg-Biaundo Mission sorted by popularity
    Audio Bible
    Free Words of Life - Cochimia - Aud...



ethnologue code
Other names for the Vigg-Biaundo Mission language: (Cadegomeño, Cadegomo, Cochetimi, Cochima, Cochimi, Cochimtee, Didiu, Joaquín, Laimon, Laymon-Cochimi, Laymonem, San Francesco Saverio Mission, San Francisco Xavier de, San Xavier, Viggé-Biaundo Mission)

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