La Bible dans G abake

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    La Bible n\'est pas encore traduite dans cette langue.

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    • Joshua Project
    Links to websites containing the Bible in G abake sorted by popularity
    Bible Audio
    gratuit Words of Life w/ TSWANA - Hiet...



Ethnologue de code
Other names for the G abake language: (Chuwau, Chware, G//abake, Gabake-Ntshori, Haitshuari, Haitshuwau, Hiechware, Hietshware, Hiochuwau, Hiotshuwau, Kwe, Kwe-Etshori Kwee, Kwe-Tshori, Masarwa, Sarwa, Sesarwa, Tati, Tati Bushman, Tshuwau, Tshwa, Tsoa)

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