The Bible in Semambu

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    Nid yw\'r Beibl wedi ei gyfieithu i\'r iaith hon eto.

    Sampl-destun o Feibl Semambu

      Adnoddau eraill i\'r Beibl yn yr iaith Semambu
    • Joshua Project
    Links to websites containing the Bible in Semambu sorted by popularity
    Audio Bible
    Am ddim Words of Life 1 - Tagal - Audi...
    Audio Bible
    Am ddim Words of Life 2 - Tagal - Audi...
    Audio Bible
    Am ddim Unknown program number C19291



Cod ethnoleg
Other names for the Semambu language: (Alumbis, Arundum, Bol Murut, Bole Murut, Lagunan Murut, Loembis, Lumbis, Maligan, Mauligan, Meligan, North Borneo Murut, Pensiangan Murut, Pentjangan, Rundum, Sabah Murut, Sadalir, Salalir, Sapulot Murut, Sapulut Murut, Saralir, Sedálir, Semembu, Sumambu, Sumambu-Tagal, Sumambuq, Tagal, Tagal Murut, Taggal, Tagol, Tagul, Tawan, Telekoson, Tolokoson, Tomani, Tumaniq)

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